Bridge Health Services
A Company Built to Connect
We are training individuals in Mental Health First Aid to connect those in need with appropriate support
To Register For Mental Health First Aid Contact Bridge Health Services


1 out of every 5 adults in the US lives with a mental illness (44.7 million in 2016)

An estimated 1 out of every 8 adults in the US has a substance use disorder

70% of Americans with depression are in the workforce

35 million workdays lost each year due to mental illness

$105 billion – Cost of untreated mental illness in the US each year- mostly due to lost productivity

Lack of knowledge about symptoms, lack of knowledge about available resources and the negative stigma about mental illness & addiction leads to…


Decreased work productivity, financial difficulties, strained relationships, worsening symptoms.


Mental Health First Aid Training

Equipping individuals with the tools to help someone experiencing a mental health or substance use problem

Mental Health First Aid Instructor Academy

Supporting MHFA Instructors through one on one coaching


Spread the movement in your community

Mental Health First Aid teaches you how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illness and substance use disorders in your community

Customer Testimonials

  • “I use it daily when I interact with people because the key thing is to recognize when people may be suffering and to offer them assistance. So, when I’m working with a coworker and see that something is ‘off’ in their attitude or something is different in the way they’re interacting with me, I know I need to say, ‘Are you okay? I’m here to talk if you need help.’"

    Sarah Scoular, Cerner
    Sarah Scoular, Cerner
  • “Seldom ever have I acquired so much important, worthwhile, compassionate, valuable information in the timeframe of your course. You [Bridget Swihart] are a gifted instructor and 'facilitator of learning' as well as a knowledgeable and expert medical professional in the mental health field."

    Cynthia S Hirtzel, PhD
    Cynthia S Hirtzel, PhD Professor, Chemical Engineering [Retired] & Engineering & University Education, Research and Administration [Retired]
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